Our Process
My process for meeting and getting to know my clients is based on the fact that I genuinely want to connect and understand who you are. I want to build a meaningful and heartfelt relationship rather than one established on paperwork and forms. Creating this partnership can be founded through a simple and efficient plan in a few non-specific steps.
I want to get to know my clients and their background. I wish to understand your views, goals, and aspirations. This is primarily done through an in-person meeting. I get to know my client and express my policies and philosophies. This meeting is a chance to connect with clients personally and focus less on business and more on who they are. This is an integral step in the process. If a connection is established and our financial and personal goals are met, we will decide how to continue with this partnership in a way unique to you. This process is different for each individual and client. Clients have unique wants and needs that cannot be satisfied through an impersonal meeting or form. I want to see my clients not as work partners but as close friends and family. This foundation and trust will establish and relationship that is long-term and beneficial.